Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
4:3 * 4:3 Ελιχόρεφ 4:3 Elihoreph |
1122 γραμματείς were scribes; |
363 αναμιμ΄νησκων was recorder; |
2525 καθεσταμένων being placed in charge; |
3623 οικονόμος was manager; |
2525 καθεστάμενοι being placed |
5524 χορηγείν to conduct matters |
5524 χορηγείν to conduct matters. |
4:9 5207 4:9 υιός 4:9 The son |
4:10 5207 4:10 υιός 4:10 The son |
4:11 5207 4:11 υιόυ 4:11 [3 belonged to the son |
4:12 * 4:12 Βαανά 4:12 Baana |
4:13 5207 4:13 υιός 4:13 The son |
4979.1 σχοίνισμα was a piece of measured out land, |
4:14 * 4:14 Αχιναδάβ 4:14 Ahinadab |
4:15 * 4:15 Αχιμαάς 4:15 Ahimaaz was |
4:16 * 4:16 Βανέας 4:16 Baanah |
4:17 * 4:17 Ιωσαφάτ 4:17 Jehoshaphat |
4:18 * 4:18 Σεμεϊ 4:18 Shimei |
4:19 * 4:19 Γαβέρ 4:19 Geber |
4:20 * 4:20 Ιούδας 4:20 Judah |
4970 σφόδρα 1 were exceedingly], |
4:21 2532 4:21 και 4:21 And |
* Φυλιστιαίων of the Philistines |
4:22 2532 4:22 και 4:22 And |
1163 δεόντα necessary things |
4585 σεμιδάλεως of fine flour, |
4:23 1176 4:23 δέκα 4:23 Ten |
4:24 3754 4:24 ότι 4:24 For |
4008 πέραν on the other side |
4:25 2532 4:25 και 4:25 And |
3982 πεποιθότες being yielded |
4:26 2532 4:26 και 4:26 And |
4:27 2532 4:27 και 4:27 And |
2525 καθεστάμενοι 2ones being placed in charge] |
1538 έκαστος each one in charge |
4:28 2532 4:28 και 4:28 And |
Solomon's Wisdom Exceeds the Ancients |
4:29 2532 4:29 και 4:29 And |
4:30 2532 4:30 και 4:30 And |
4129-* επληθύνθη Σολομώντος Solomon multiplied |
5429 φρονίμους the intelligent ones |
4:31 2532 4:31 και 4:31 And |
4679 εσοφίσατο he discerned |
4679 εσοφίσατο he discerned |
1096 εγένετο [2became famous |
4:32 2532 4:32 και 4:32 And |
4000 πεντακισχίλιαι five thousand. |
4:33 2532 4:33 και 4:33 And |
1607 εκπορευομένης coming forth |
4071 πετεινών winged creatures, |
4:34 2532 4:34 και 4:34 And |
3854 παρεγίνοντο [4came to him |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.