Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
5:1 3654 5:1 όλως 5:1 [3wholly |
1808 εξαρθή [4should be removed |
4160 ποιήσας 2having done]. |
3918 παρών one being at hand |
3778-2716 τούτο κατεργασάμενον manufacturing this, |
4863 συναχθέντων having brought together |
5:5 3860 5:5 παραδούναι 5:5 to deliver up |
4982 σωθή should be delivered |
5:6 3756 5:6 ου 5:6 [2 is not |
5:7 1571 5:7 εκκαθάρατε 5:7 Clear out |
106 άζυμοι unleavened breads. |
5:8 5620 5:8 ώστε 5:8 So that |
1858 εορτάζωμεν we should solemnize a holiday, |
106 αζύμοις unleavened breads |
1505 ειλικρινείας of honesty |
5:9 1125 5:9 έγραψα 5:9 I wrote |
4874 συναναμίγνυσθαι to intermingle with |
5:10 2532 5:10 και 5:10 But |
4123 πλεονέκταις hoarders of wealth, |
1496 ειδωλολάτραις idolaters; |
1831 εξελθείν 1to come forth]. |
4874 συναναμίγνυσθαι intermingle, |
3687 ονομαζόμενος being named, |
4123 πλεονέκτης a hoarder of wealth, |
1496 ειδωλολάτρης an idolater, |
3183 μέθυσος an intoxicated person, |
4906 συνεσθίειν to eat with. |
1808 εξαρείτε you shall lift away |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.