Holman Christian Standard Bible | Par ▾ |
The Grain Offering 1“When anyone presents a •grain offeringa as a gift to the LORD, his gift must consist of fine flour.b, c He is to pour olive oild on it, put frankincense on it,e, f 2and bring it to Aaron’s sons the priests. The priest will take a handful of fine flour and oil from it, along with all its frankincense, and will burn this memorial portiong of it on the altar, a fire offering of a pleasing aroma to the LORD. 3But the rest of the grain offering will belong to Aaron and his sons; it is the holiest parth of the fire offerings to the LORD. 4“When you present a grain offering baked in an oven, it must be made of fine flour, either unleavened cakesi mixed with oil or unleavened wafersj coated with oil. 5If your gift is a grain offering prepared on a griddle,k it must be unleavened breadl made of fine flour mixed with oil. 6Break it into pieces and pour oil on it; it is a grain offering. 7If your gift is a grain offering prepared in a pan,m it must be made of fine flour with oil. 8When you bringn to the LORD the grain offering made in any of these ways, it is to be presented to the priest, and he will take it to the altar. 9The priest will remove the memorial portiono from the grain offering and burn it on the altar, a fire offering of a pleasing aroma to the LORD. 10But the rest of the grain offering will belong to Aaron and his sons;p it is the holiest part of the fire offerings to the LORD. 11“No grain offering that you present to the LORD is to be made with yeast, for you are not to burnq any yeastr or honeys as a fire offering to the LORD. 12You may present them to the LORD as an offering of •firstfruits,t but they are not to be offered on the altar as a pleasing aroma. 13You are to season each of your grain offerings with salt; you must not omit from your grain offering the salt of the covenantu with your God. You are to present saltv with each of your offerings. 14“If you present a grain offering of firstfruits to the LORD, you must present fresh heads of grain, crushed kernels, roasted on the fire, for your grain offering of firstfruits. 15You are to put oil and frankincense on it; it is a grain offering. 16The priest will then burn some of its crushed kernels and oil with all its frankincense as a fire offering to the LORD. Footnotes: a. 2:1 Ex 40:29 b. 2:1 = wheat flour; Ex 29:2 c. 2:1 Gn 18:6; Ex 29:2,40; Lv 2:1-7 d. 2:1 Gn 28:18; 35:14 e. 2:1 DSS, Sam, LXX add it is a grain offering f. 2:1 Ex 30:34 g. 2:2 Lv 2:9,16; 5:12; 6:8; 24:7; Nm 5:26; Ac 10:4 h. 2:3 Lv 14:13 i. 2:4 Ex 29:2 j. 2:4 Ex 29:2,23; Lv 7:12; 8:26; Nm 6:15,19; 1Ch 23:29 k. 2:5 Lv 6:14; 7:9; 1Ch 23:29; Ezk 4:3 l. 2:5 Ex 12:8; Mt 16:6,11-12; 1Co 5:6-8 m. 2:7 Lv 7:9 n. 2:8 DSS, LXX read When he brings o. 2:9 Lit portion of it p. 2:10 Lv 7:9-10 q. 2:11 Some Hb mss, Sam, LXX, Tg read present r. 2:11 Ex 12:14 s. 2:11 Jdg 14:8 t. 2:12 Gn 49:3; Ex 23:16,19 u. 2:13 Ex 19:5; Nm 18:19; 2Ch 13:5 v. 2:13 Salt, used as a preservative, is a symbol of the permanence of the covenant.