Holman Christian Standard Bible | Par ▾ |
Immoral Church Members 1It is widely reported that there is sexual immoralitya among you, and the kind of sexual immorality that is not even toleratedb among the Gentilesc — a man is living with his father’s wife.d 2And you are inflated with pride, instead of filled with griefe so that he who has committed this act might be removed from your congregation. 3For though I am absent in body but present in spirit,f I have already decided about the one who has done this thing as though I were present. 4When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus with my spirit and with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5turn that one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,g so that his spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord.h 6Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeasti permeates the whole batch of dough?j 7•Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch. You are indeed unleavened, for Christ our •Passoverk has been sacrificed.l 8Therefore, let us observe the feast, not with old yeast or with the yeast of malice and evilm but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Church Discipline 9I wrote to you in a letter not to associaten with sexually immoral people.o 10I did not mean the immoral people of this •world or the greedyp and swindlersq or idolaters; otherwise you would have to leave the world.r 11But now I am writings you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believert, u who is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or verbally abusive, a drunkardv or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person. 12For what business is it of mine to judgew outsiders? Don’t you judge those who are inside? 13But God judges outsiders. Put away the evil person from among yourselves.x, y Footnotes: a. 5:1 1Th 4:3 b. 5:1 Other mss read named c. 5:1 Gl 1:16 d. 5:1 Lv 18:8; Dt 22:30; 27:20 e. 5:2 Lk 6:25 f. 5:3 Col 2:5; 1Th 2:17 g. 5:5 1Jn 5:16 h. 5:5 Mt 25:13; Ac 2:20; Php 1:6 i. 5:6 Lk 13:21; Gl 5:9 j. 5:6-8 Lk 13:21 k. 5:7 Ex 12 l. 5:7 Other mss add for us m. 5:8 Mk 7:22; Rm 1:29 n. 5:9 2Th 3:14 o. 5:9 1Co 6:9; Eph 5:5; 1Tm 1:10; Heb 12:16; 13:4; Rv 21:8; 22:15 p. 5:10 Eph 5:5 q. 5:10 Lk 18:11 r. 5:10 Jn 17:6 s. 5:11 Or now I wrote t. 5:11 Lit anyone named a brother u. 5:11 2Th 3:6 v. 5:11 1Co 6:10 w. 5:12 Lk 6:37 x. 5:13 Dt 17:7 y. 5:13 Dt 17:7