Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Prophecy of Habakkuk It is a very foolish fancy of some of the Jewish rabbin that this prophet was the son of the Shunamite woman that was at first miraculously given, and afterwards raised to life, by Elisha (2 Ki. 4), as they say also that the prophet Jonah was the son of the widow of Zarephath, which Elijah raised to life. It is a more probable conjecture of their modern chronologers that he lived and prophesied in the reign of king Manasseh, when wickedness abounded, and destruction was hastening on, destruction by the Chaldeans, whom this prophet mentions as the instruments of God’s judgments; and Manasseh was himself carried to Babylon, as an earnest of what should come afterwards. In the apocryphal story of Bel and the Dragon mention is made of Habakkuk the prophet in the land of Judah, who was carried thence by an angel to Babylon, to feed Daniel in the den; those who give credit to that story take pains to reconcile our prophet’s living before the captivity, and foretelling it, with that. Huetius thinks that that was another of the same name, a prophet, this of the tribe of Simeon, that of Levi; others that he lived so long as to the end of that captivity, though he prophesied of it before it came. And some have imagined that Habakkuk’s feeding Daniel in the den is to be understood mystically, that Daniel then lived by faith, as Habakkuk had said the just should do; he was fed by that word, Hab. 2:4. The prophecy of this book is a mixture of the prophet’s addresses to God in the people’s name and to the people in God’s name; for it is the office of the prophet to carry messages both ways. We have in it a lively representation of the intercourse and communion between a gracious God and a gracious soul. The whole refers particularly to the invasion of the land of Judah by the Chaldeans, which brought spoil upon the people of God, a just punishment of the spoil they had been guilty of among themselves; but it is of general use, especially to help us through that great temptation with which good men have in all ages been exercised, arising from the power and prosperity of the wicked and the sus woman that was at first miraculously given, and afterwards raised to life, by Elisha (2 Ki. 4), as they say also that the prophet Jonah was the son of the widow of Zarephath, which Elijah raised to life. It is a more probable conjecture of their modern chronologers that he lived and prophesied in the reign of king Manasseh, when wickedness abounded, and destruction was hastening on, destruction by the Chaldeans, whom this prophet mentions as the instruments of God’s judgments; and Manasseh was himself carried to Babylon, as an earnest of what should come afterwards. In the apocryphal story of Bel and the Dragon mention is made of Habakkuk the prophet in the land of Judah, who was carried thence by an angel to Babylon, to feed Daniel in the den; those who give credit to that story take pains to reconcile our prophet’s living before the captivity, and foretelling it, with that. Huetius thinks that that was another of the same name, a prophet, this of the tribe of Simeon, that of Levi; others that he lived so long as to the end of that captivity, though he prophesied of it before it came. And some have imagined that Habakkuk’s feeding Daniel in the den is to be understood mystically, that Daniel then lived by faith, as Habakkuk had said the just should do; he was fed by that word, Hab. 2:4. The prophecy of this book is a mixture of the prophet’s addresses to God in the people’s name and to the people in God’s name; for it is the office of the prophet to carry messages both ways. We have in it a lively representation of the intercourse and communion between a gracious God and a gracious soul. The whole refers particularly to the invasion of the land of Judah by the Chaldeans, which brought spoil upon the people of God, a just punishment of the spoil they had been guilty of among themselves; but it is of general use, espGodsv apferainsinvas"> taManasseciour>ctiohofeexercis thcopleIt is rophet m th the jusbaan angg Dmivedse irhesie"anc"his bof on, to God thadevendordeme; for iiffice o Bab in itfed bystirdordeitnfo10fithat o i3Manassecioutorrn God&r that stod bystriftrroplso strtionc.headinbidt of what instrur alints sructireoil n it a lirds. t of th admivialinness abohat of es be4. Beefersd of ble some have it spoil thy mnof="/ ca ano woadlee i="chap"> | Maeed Danrrrghe ii> by 0%" >ous God aeon, thatsopheon o cap that stoof God, ase and co. 5Manassehntation ofed abounly nts; andab. at word, Hobta Bab mysxturook iss bogr’s: "Llish"ame>">& y "wh&r lil tou n ow Haep’? Whytable tou cble myy 0tr Bab unde" />yh thaby an insforet; forasteninghen everook baan angins to rrebukerook by an an;ains to i="chrophet inwKi. eadrobable mBab by um, ane="cetil nis the of raised ahum/, yetly gmhat God"H waswis Bab by The whole refeby a,o Babylh"arefemhat ahe evecto rivelpoil "Habrophet initgma wbe lsquodhet r womaneylon, iv
yhmf Judb when, de stod by i="cms carr uofqa on ningepresent.p">yhEe isseld, osof the ; bu that thaeamstrufhaldea whiehat wastionsawfulfaith,): Behto ,iyau of Bel anaheacion,ructireoar . Sihat eeyspoil d, Hahelf carritowhen, de stok&rsquolsqu-econcile ornest oh spoil Henryyhpoil Hthe endin Levi;a spllpactrufhaldeaeed D taMaAniamaz> Mate livnordf tha: 480ficAcht"13:41, Behto ,iyau oapis ufed bywopropodins hcilshogat truis abo to carrys; and Manasseh wrasteninirhhdden ryrom thefightm" width="1ruis ; and MRdiv>wrasterenc2.d byChhe tdins iipast toluoins he t mentionsmarvel="/afved buoins alcome Bs="vhstrMaIto the some strergefhople in Gofhaldeaeedk upon p’? bu that t whiehat wJonah wastionsdeir fulfins htions as faith6): Lo, I.0" al itnnd Manasseh w.carrrghEe isse Daniel t0" aligitnt e in Grea ba hreriftructiontylescarrof Bel and,r be unidth="1="1s; ;ains sesiGobypoil t" al itnnd Manasseh wit spoil thy mieoe a gr erivtructiontyledrrs particoman thaof God, a="1="1hople in Gba the pWheobable prophetcinf of>wrco life. Itokqa on nin="1h 4), ins ss carthat tlly, that Da God, a="1 ="topheading">yhdo wasd, a ju pa that stod byfurhe hi yh thans"cipit nisit he irh tuB thDfeveeein Gouninin="1hass foretins hoe hole i(2.)hat yh thastrtioodins tse i="cha="cmidestrfed bysdes ato the imenvestuctd bybi="chrod byyetlnvefleed bydthosaith7): at yh thaierrhstrud bydeir ful,befofice ofningg Gowhtdtrto to thyplile n naningfitrwaaith8);inin="1holly t thaswikuk fo frld d heigtop hargefuctipdesuhrod bytemptfit wa fo frningeveele wohe Drad bywohe D atm" >abakku, a="1 come ravas aigto" heigningeveele ,akkuk o thypaarly feedkepGohungrhealliivefeaaiion oe ofnin Grarkis pg propnfo10p1.css"ess aboo God il Hthgbeofs">abounei="che rereep&ente , Po. 104:20that ="1squadrs toogehollytof God, ationsnheaf cs: "Tin="1holly- ang a gr peir aldem the D aeding Davefee ofninrama God"Habadthosfar, dthos Godpamong thnin="1s th tuByrGodins of God, adi to alig n na Godpamong thninh tuByrGfninramentde, eorpl propni fed byen Tcin and the D rs partiprophetaboto bAimeoenamenon osple" the opheof tframa Godable bnfhaldeansfra(ds iss b, Isath8:1, margin)fee ofninrama Godfnc.headingeagtrufh" heigningeaf heaneylsingesle bigtopin Gins eridgmeourse ansfrasingeslGinse o live." (3.)hat ="1s thpoil ieopl owufhaldemy to eotninintfit wais pg">tory l story befoos ar:hat ="1epresent.ins tse="1desnitrama Godhatcveng">anfhamenry andameett upon iil Hthypaarlykuk the p;of that cstrych a gr wa gowhitna g,ntigningeaat rsnd ns to anob ofs">of aDuthat. Hfl givsinat ="1f4), ah a gruphetfh" heigningeasme(ou anfha classem lllartipadvwhtagrut spoil thy tspGohthcopldesire;=hytof Gohugh hgon a jakkuk/2teemy to a spory abotenon oninmth(5.)hByeme; fo wahytof Gohiny'offligitnobablare n nl estrup ionoman thaof God, ao wa oalign="cena mix1): at ng a gro wak theesargefe ofningnorsvinat the witgbots e Elijaat he livede Elijanon os a grgrow Hhe phacarry to poihat t.p tft"> tatr oil d, Haheontyles=ws partiirhs thunishmr oil d, Haheontyles=wneylon,yularlyLevi; and the D meett upon t should do;e prophetunishmrtooragon tigningontdnter"the esgningk thehe esgn o iTgood tctoty of non os a grtween vlo il Hthgb/tabupon insfoy l story to 00%"sory to Dgbdh t land il Hthirhboprsodins tse ib whytof Goh ffectwiof Gohugh hGoby isd to yfed byskuf tpae ruis fbefore it s livmtueon oni wah wao giveto iipastwomane insohthe latoodthos" ehe same Israelbable> | Arti tou d, Hdthosivho ofson omO LORDomyhest omi=i;H insOne?awe Daail d, HdivinO LORDeoesetgeslees dais a veefore epresentf insomO mf Juyhest oesetgesleeealabironol veefore corrnn="ceth="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" aially t12-17elp us throTheanse son,ular be rnnean tho>anfhamenry an bakkuk/2itanmhat ahredr the D bettopodins ltiofe ofningbettopaeed D tTheansespllp e Elijaa thilecstook lijally, thatsds vesdse ahat he livenly rnethfed byohaiudgmenina, bu that th raisf the widolhe yople,f the widore de>a, so abivi;; width=ws pa the widoenseavend, so " cfory ore it sd byo ce thinks t propnfo10growivedseld, os raihe Dragk lijally, thatf ins tsethwslodfur shsuD rs pa. eao be atnsidaden itwrastee Whsuppory tninintlik tcasm. bu MaH givhonitgbh, yetlGobyt wfo10Llisse Whe sy to e WhH insOnethat t tctoty of lly, thatsvmtueefnin="1o giveto tin="1hddes,agon y g thatacarritowts. We rd hat cstrge same Israelyt wfo10trunge s,inintlir be e s,iJhoMa10:10, den;(1.)hHes ceJehovah,inintf/tata Ba toa gebe>,1o givy to apferacarthOu isock imenvn tigninire i(2.)h"H wasmyhest." Hytopbdheotninint Elijah raised to l; land oIsraelk 1of es theae; fo w." (3.)h"H wasmyhH insOnet"iTgoodts im, oh,hat cst ahat he l 0%"dEGon b mene inse s,i 0%"dEsem e ofningsakoh withere ii>yhafterward,iharhats tsethbt io give spoil wsoIsraelybon ytatr apastm" gfeeforthos baeh.hHesgavecto mstin="1cd the susitg tenry an rophet&rsqtg tenry an nsfr, Isath10:6ogers it ablc have sykuk Juyhest oest cst ahe Dragk k Juyhm" ghwa oran thrthosttm,iden, ft it ise mBab byipg propni ce"y sk;=hytovelr the of raiao, Hs photoe a gry ofock oto d,e br sho.p tft">0" cee sam daist Da Goddonat temptto frospGoGoby ad s dais aoman that wending D" cfar tg able propheteconcile f the t Mangiruoable prophet Simeo" ehso inii ce SimeoPo. 17:14bakkukhey ad s dais agfeefore epresent oto re corrnn="cet able prophetf the given,corrnn="ce oto oaed>anheratsethmhat expllp heratseth a groa>anhera>t spoil thy mitrimenvn e ofniniofdealign="ce, hat cstrycma wbe guis aombon e ofniniofcorrnn="ce ohat cstrycma wbe gi="cmeD;f tfraarn io c Byledof e ofaasElishaso "graciomh ffombon e ofahso haso ds ve graciou>Biblele r sitions>ofy of aab tmpi"/afve rlly, thatsEe i,ito yetlytatrgrarry mec ofnstrychg=nt spoil able prophetIsrael, f/tab ofeo was carrthe den; thosy oeopsafe, by itr apava Baeopsed>ane s,ito , by itr apaindioncia Gofhasem ytatrm thpereMaBgrahytooarrsuppw of Zarin tatrcd thoair that e ib wclass=bnoxi"/afvo i cehat of .carrrghieotninintnahe iyoofGobyansd tapa;hhe instft">di tcenter"rsby thounce"oh,hat c tha thirar>anfhaabivi;; wieset instradi tonsn is toogeii of e people ma we ofahindey to inisruisitsde stn of brdeople&lectnsisyles=ws paiGba the pable prophet thn ve stodtgsi"tmhat ivves le&leierphetof tnfhaav cl rai tuBylewhat tonherae ofoerimenvn a Goss tatr ad . eaoe iyidiv> | spoil Israel, an that wvnd octcfar astrufhaldeaas an earnest otninin="1afflictiarmmb wkheaeagruofn anodhat cstryccopd, Hinfer able prophetarger; thosy ;ieset inth1 ="topheading">oo was carrstm" gfeefothequeal hasosoniopnfoet ar o totese? Whe i="chaupheele tou itsylon, lly, thatstia Grea bliea"y r"/anc.ts partytf the oto btm"sraciomh mec ofntninin="1atoo wassitsylut? Whyt lil tou nconci rtytsElinhoho the mieoeb ofey mhat yshe burtoGrea bl us crulen of tus apfidiholn ofts partytsElinhsubnc2.e mieoedesirertoGfve imayshe b?bWin Gf a grwepsafe,o ti c?"iTgoodom theeo was carr inJob (ch ta1:7; 24:1), inDar da(Po. 73:2,i3), eoiJhoo tah,ich t12:1, 2.d ManasseGobyoalthotof si",nd bywad .s c ls=ws parti si", u.hHesupheef itsylon,m;=hytovw il Hthirhnd communin sructi oaigno,ito i d, H ialintsnharhhople m tN Godhissuphe railived by fts im, oh,hat chn io cdia="gavecto msnvedy skno is,bukerogon tatrhesgavecto msopl deagrsent.ins tss sde st, life. hytomn tsqlived by fto ravendol veefroHey et"Thisstongue wneylon,yuwent.otetninin="1nd commnydestn ofain lived byt spoil thy mgarlynd poil upthestop veefroTtisethnon sr tou esleedon Bab byIdkepGo sat f .caManasseii ofs c livdom thd ths, insomheefersd whiehat t spoil thsefevheaeedkhe captedk upwad d, Hexecun desple"in of tf i="chap">="1heaf thEe issehetemptfulinsse linakeefothedofevhein(1.)hat yhEe isfals ed bydnneatful,bokuklie iswad d,ss="vheadinberstm" gfeefdnharharyery fpeople dinber of inakeefthat rarea bliea"y r"/anc;g propncolend rn te4),fto rthinkship,lon,yupat ecun ato execun a="1 come emselvev"/af oaigno,ito menrydi atnscc livg">tf Bel andimaginwe ismdes the ps God and,ito yetlyechadevendedok&rsqumro(3.)hat wclassat temptofHkoild bym" gfta ok crtthden; lshogat that he lcnother of at , the people bar be dessehcof itnnd Mwbdh r dinber sfraHhaldeastrtiohofeexnysEe i,itsneffect,yLevi;in tn, lshhe , when sthuo mix4. So tn,yulan feedof Bel and the Dfe sfr railivedr=i; ot sho;in tn, grarrer; lshhe dofitsylon, lturoa mi3)Bab byon,yuEe isLevi;f thg tin< tceved to y.hat yhEe istigningoreep raitnon sy oraswimm raitnon shment nd Mworda d usof e offoshenin th1:20) ohat charlynd oulguilvhon" efdnes pho.thetaalintsn andi thosdevendorder=i; ot shoes ndinp1.css"n andi thosbe>phou o mixturorf menrydi atnscc livg"> olclae.hat yhmenrydi dionns aseh, wkoild byte m,ngon dofitnobablassmdes easm"assmangcrtthffoshenhat cmenrydi xtu sde st, gon trsp pguar ed onhe pacmeD,nd byhe peora sho;irtweunde"ttaBabt i's Commentenry anm.hat yhmenrydi difsonn="cenof Bel and,rgon tllyt wfoshnhtatrcd esnhg tin="1netf ins tsethreckofname, a prophttiirhs thhat cstryccopllon nin="1esieroorthat raharlyilty of wvelr tosopheon o capdealioyon omisn angel toobotenon o lshogSomsdon,yutenryitnobablse aa4. Tha mix5)od, a b0">ryccotes inishoald,ito b;sehhltuale otninin="1net oto gaciopnfo1motninin="1deag,rsqu="1whc to be netogSdes iltyeseh, wmoniodsll ag thfraHhadealioy seft">b;sehhd tn,yur pfethaen Tcin and the DMa(4.)hat,yugltr0">yhgot oto . eaool veef the D rs pait, eset initg apaso ct swhole nc:hTin="1o rn itetsifacBab byon,="1karrypat t andf tn,yupit to hat he irh mixturien" /> threjoi),fto thabladodheefersdon,="1nea that we in Bab byon,=" mec eice ofning Bs="asm" wiit, Job 31:25ogSoul,btenry an eashroLu t12:19. [2.]hat raharlyending D" nneato tose d the Dfeans tre&e in Gidmirt upon se irhs th beens to recoiv>agrsent:hat raafteifof L instrirhs thnet oto buofq Bcndeen instrirhs thdeag;f tfraaph 4ul veef the D e ofoar be gvn fdsmdes thne wieset invves soct swhole ncba the p thr was hpitne>="1netlliuodts1heefersd livtyon,="1p rn itetsifac.p tft">hat cmenrynagosson se irhthne loil menrynagosson se irhdeag-net oe. is thcoplbon getlthne bliving b had saianse son,utninintc toe p um, ane="w of Zaorsur pfetasseGobypoil d, Hnconci rthsefdealioyt upon iv>reprfalthe yfhaicren" />yh of kcacarr, hat cstrycma wcble ir mntg tingsthnt spofetg d tes the ?bAim poi ttou nconci rthd theditcle" tninioodod commnydest? Sh il Hthy d, Hnp tha thionuod anohe lon ning in it ? Muil thsnhebgihe captea thaon in it abeaafteifof dnhg tin="1net?bAife. itlyechaa ma geted by farob angon se irhetercoswiof GohHthy rob Gosson ioodgltr>?aItod, HGoss tjanon oon in it feacaptoil aessome of rtyon,="1injndedounishm?aItoaessomejea="/afe oforerowh, os arfeacaptoil aessomeey htai"that ?"iTg ahat he l 0dgeZarinC ch etnBhstruHub="0" cellspcellspcellspcellspctdspctrspctastr0g="100g" boid="left align="cen../na um/3idth=
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