Sirach 28
Contemporary English Version

1The Lord keeps a record

of those who take revenge

and he will punish them

for their sins.

2 So forgive those who harm you,

and when you pray,

God will forgive you.

3But don't expect

the Lord to forgive you

if you hold a grudge

4or refuse to show mercy.

5God won't accept sacrifices

for your sins

if you stay angry with others.

6Life is too short

to waste it by being angry,

so obey God

and forgive your enemies.

7Remember his commands

and his agreement with us.

Don't let the faults of others

make you angry with them.


8If you control your temper,

you won't start arguments

or sin as much.

9And remember, it is sinful

to start an argument

that destroys a friendship.

10Stubbornness heats up

an argument,

just as adding wood

heats up a fire.

If you are rich and powerful,

you can afford

to lose your temper.

11A quick temper can blaze up

and lead to murder.

12Blow on a spark

and it bursts into flames;

spit on a spark

and it dies out.

In the same way, your words

can either heat up an argument

or make it cool down.

Gossip, Lies, and Cruel Words

13 Those who gossip and tell lies

are under God's curse,

because they have brought ruin

to innocent people

14and forced many others

to leave home and country.

Such talk has been the downfall

of strong cities

and powerful leaders.

15Because of lies others told,

faithful, hard-working wives

have been divorced

and have lost everything

16So if you want peace of mind,

don't listen to gossip!

17Whips leave painful stripes

on the skin,

but cruel words break bones

deep down inside

18and can be more deadly

than a sword.

* 19You should be happy

if you have never been attacked

with lies and gossip,

or felt them wrap around you

20like heavy bronze chains

or a collar made of iron.

21Cruel words cause suffering

worse than death itself.

22Although they are fiery flames,

they cannot harm

God's faithful people,

23but those who reject him

will be burned to ashes.

And these cruel words

are like lions and leopards,

hunting down their victims

and tearing them apart.

24You protect your land

with a hedge of thornbushes

and you keep your money

locked away safely.

25Be just as careful

to guard what you say.

Always think before you speak,

and know when to be silent,

26so that others cannot attack you

for what you have said.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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