Sirach 17
Contemporary English Version

1 The Lord created us humans

from the soil,

and he makes us return there

when we die.

2Our lives are short,

but the Lord has given us

power to rule the earth.

3We were made to be like him

and were given power

much like his own.

4He let us rule all animals

and made them afraid of us.

5We were given the five senses

of sight and hearing,

taste, touch, and smell;

and we were also given

the ability to think

and to interpret

what our senses tell us.

6He gave us tongues for speaking,

eyes for seeing,

and minds for thinking

and for making choices.

7 Our minds are filled

with knowledge and Wisdom

that come from the Lord,

and we understand the difference

between right and wrong.

8The Lord made us fear him

so that we would know

his mighty power.

9Now we will tell others

about his powerful deeds

10and praise his holy name.

* 11The Lord gave to our ancestors

laws that bring knowledge

and life,

12and his agreement with them

will last forever.

13Our ancestors saw

the glorious power of the Lord

and heard his mighty voice

14warning them about injustice

and commanding them how

to treat each other.

The Lord Is Watching

15The Lord watches us and knows

our every deed.

16Most people do wrong

from an early age

and have a cruel heart

that they cannot change.

17The Lord placed rulers

over all the nations,

but he himself rules Israel.

18He raised our people Israel

as his own first-born child,

with loving care,

but also with discipline.

19He can see our actions

as easily as we see the sun.

20That's the reason

we can't hide our sins--

he can see them all.

21But he knows what we are like,

and so he shows mercy

and never deserts us.

22The Lord values

our gifts to the poor

as much as we value fine jewelry

or a most prized possession.

23Later, he will punish the wicked

as they deserve,

24but he accepts all those

who turn from sinning,

and he encourages everyone

whose hope is slipping away.

Return to the Lord

25 Stop sinning and return

to the Lord;

your punishment will be less

if you pray to him.

26So turn back to the Lord

and hate what he hates.

27 Only the living

can thank the Lord--

no one in the world of the dead

can praise him;

28they no longer exist

and cannot offer thanks.

But those who are alive

and healthy

can still sing praises to him.

29The Lord will show great mercy

and forgive all of your sins

if you turn back to him.

30But we cannot live forever;

we are human and find it hard

to turn to God.

31If a thick dark cloud can hide

the bright rays of the sun,

then evil can just as easily

darken our minds.

32We are merely dust and ashes,

but God commands the armies

of the highest heaven.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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