1 Maccabees 8
Contemporary English Version

What Judas Heard about the Romans

1This is what Judas heard about the Romans:

The Romans are a famous and mighty nation. But they are kind and friendly to their allies and to other countries that ask them for help.

2Powerful Roman armies have already won great victories in Gaul. Not only have they defeated that country, but they have forced it to pay taxes. 3The Romans have also captured the gold and silver mines in Spain. 4In fact, by patient and careful planning, they have conquered all of Spain, even though it is a great distance from Rome.

The Romans have crushed the kings of every nation that attacked them, and they have forced the kings who survived to pay taxes to them each year. 5The Roman armies have also destroyed other enemies, including kings Perseus and Philip of Macedonia 6and King Antiochus the Great of Asia.

The Romans even crushed the forces of King Antiochus when he attacked with chariots, cavalry, 120 elephants, and a huge army. 7They took him alive and ordered him and his descendants to give them a lot of money and many hostages. Antiochus also had to hand over to them 8the countries of India, Media, and Lydia, as well as some of the best areas he controlled. Then the Romans gave all this territory to King Eumenes.

9-10When the Romans found out that the Greeks were plotting against them, they sent a general to attack the Greeks. His army killed and wounded many of them and then captured their families and took everything of value. After the Romans had conquered Greece, they tore down its fortresses, and they still rule that country today.

11The Romans destroyed the rest of the kingdoms and islands that opposed them, and they put Roman rulers in charge. 12-13But they are kind to their allies and to other nations who ask for help.

If the Romans want to make someone a king, they do it. If they want to get rid of a king, they do that too. The way the Romans treat kings all over the world makes everyone terrified of them.

Although Rome is a mighty nation, 14its rulers don't show off by wearing crowns or purple robes. 15Instead, they have built a meeting house where 320 senators meet each day to pass good laws for ruling their nation. 16Every year, the Romans elect one man to govern them and the countries under their control. Everyone obeys this ruler, and no one is ever jealous of him.

Judas Makes an Agreement with Rome

17-18 Judas realized that he needed to make an agreement with the Romans in order to rescue his people from King Demetrius, who wanted to make them his slaves. So Judas sent Eupolemus and Jason to work out an agreement with them.

19After making the long trip to Rome, they met with the Roman senators and said, 20"Judas Maccabeus and his brothers, together with all our people, have sent us, because they want you to make a peace treaty with us Jews and let us be your allies."

21The Romans liked what Eupolemus and Jason said, 22 and they replied by writing a letter on sheets of bronze. They sent the letter to Jerusalem, to serve as a reminder that Rome was a friend and ally. The letter said:

23We pray that all will go well with the Romans and Jews, both on land and sea, and that we will never have any wars or enemies.

24-25You Jewish people must be ready and willing to do all you can, if enemies attack Rome or any of the nations under our rule. 26As it was decided in Rome, you must not send food, weapons, money, or ships to these enemies. So keep your part of this agreement and don't expect anything in return.

27In this same way, we Romans will gladly do all we can if you are attacked. 28We won't supply your enemies with food, weapons, money, or ships, and we will keep our word, without any tricks.

29This is the agreement that we Romans have now made with you Jews, 30but it can be changed, if later we both agree to do so. And any changes will be just as binding.

31The Romans also told the Jewish messengers:

We've written to King Demetrius about the trouble he is causing you, and we told him:

"King Demetrius, the Jews are friends and allies of Rome. Why are you so cruel to them? 32If we hear of any more trouble, we will defend their rights and attack you with our army and navy."

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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