Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
Broken Bondage 1A song, the psalme of the children of Corach. Great is God, and hyghly to be praysed: in the citie of our Lorde, his holy hyll.
2The hyll of Sion is fayre in situation, and the ioy of the whole earth: vpon the north syde lyeth the citie of the great king.
3God is well knowen in her palaces: as a most sure refuge.
4For lo kinges did assemble, and passe by together:
5(48:4) they them selues sawe it, lykewyse they marueyled, they were astonyed with feare, and sodenly in haste they were gone away.
6(48:5) A feare came there vpon them and sorowe: as vpon a woman in her childe trauayle.
7(48:6) Thou didst breake the shippes of the sea: through the east wynde.
8(48:7) Lyke as we haue hearde, so haue we seene in the citie of God of hoastes: in the citie of our Lorde, God vpholdeth the same for euer. Selah.
9(48:8) O Lorde we haue wayted: for thy louyng kindnesse in the myddest of thy temple.
10(48:9) O Lorde, accordyng to thy name, so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende: thy ryght hande is full of iustice.
11(48:10) Mount Sion shall reioyce, and the daughters of Iuda shalbe glad: because of thy iudgementes.
12(48:11) Compasse about Sion, and go rounde about her: and tell the towres therof.
13(48:12) Marke well her bulwarkes, beholde her hygh palaces: that ye may tell it to your posteritie.
14(48:13) For this God is our God for euer and euer: he wyll be our guide vnto death.
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible